
If you

fight like a married couple

                                            talk like best friends 
flirt like first loves

                 protect each other like siblings 
you know its meant to be.

Monday, May 14, 2012

#26 Racial Profiling?

Trayvon was only fourteen years old when he was stopped by a police officer and told to stand against the wall, arms over his head. Why was he stopped? The cop thought it was suspicious that the dark-skinned, young man was walking around with a hoodie over his head.

I think this is ridiculous. To have someone be stopped by a policeman just because he's black and is wearing a hood is racist. He or she hasn't done anything wrong, and the cop has no evidence that he's done anything wrong, so why was he asked to halt and place his hands above his head? It's a truly curious thing how some people can think that this is an okay thing to do.


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