
If you

fight like a married couple

                                            talk like best friends 
flirt like first loves

                 protect each other like siblings 
you know its meant to be.

Friday, February 3, 2012

#17 Super Bowl Preview: Ferris Bueller and Other Commercials

Every year during the Super Bowl, football and television fans alike find themselves up to their necks in hilarious, clever, and sometimes stupid commercials. According to E! Online, the average cost to play a 30 second ad during the Super Bowl cost more than $2.3 million. And that was in 2007. This past year, the price was $3.1 million. So far this year, it has been said by Forbes that Volkswagen is paying $3.5 million to place a 30 second ad. Although it may seem a little much, these commercials have in fact increased the amount of viewers of the Super Bowl over the years. Just last year, Super Bowl 2011 was crowned as the most watched show ever. More than 111 million people were watching. At least two Super Bowl ads have come out already, an early introduction to their premiere on Sunday. These two include a new Avengers trailer, and a small ad starring Ferris Bueller--- I mean Matthew Broderick. The two videos are included below.

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