Next we have something a bit more juvenile, but just as, if not more interesting. In celebration of The Dark Knight Rises (appears in theaters Summer 2012), a montage artist made a parody that combined The Lion King and The Dark Knight Rises. The result is incredible. If you haven't already seen The Dark Knight Rises trailer, you won't understand the montage, so make sure you watch that first.
Being the self-proclaimed trekkie I am, it is no surprise that the new Star Trek snapshots caught my attention. I have seen the older movies, one of which starred Ricardo Montalban as Khan, James T. Kirk's superhuman prisoner. This especially excites me because Khan has always been my favorite Star Trek villain, and to have a younger version of him be portrayed in the upcoming Star Trek film would be fantastic.
In reference to The Lion King montage, I was wowed by how professional the trailer seemed. The mouths, actions, and places each matched up with The Dark Rises trailer in such a precise way that it seemed almost eerie. But hey, Disney did say that they hide small hints of other films in their movies. But who would've thought that their Lion King could be made into The Dark Knight Rises?
New Star Trek Villain Revealed link
Never Before Seen Dark Knight Rises Footage link
New Star Trek Villain Revealed link
Never Before Seen Dark Knight Rises Footage link