
If you

fight like a married couple

                                            talk like best friends 
flirt like first loves

                 protect each other like siblings 
you know its meant to be.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

#10 Conan: President Obama 'doing fine without his teleprompter'

Former Late Night host Conan O'Brien appeared on his new show on TBS a few weeks ago, and the main topic of the night was about a robbery. This wasn't just any ordinary thievery, such as snatching a purse off an old woman or a bag of money from a bank. This specific heist involved President Barack Obama himself. "Thieves in Virginia," stated Conan, "this is true, stole a truck containing President Obama's teleprompter." The fact of the matter is that the comedian was telling the truth. A truck containing Obama's teleprompter, podium, and other audio equipment was held up and robbed earlier that week. The robbery did not pass unnoticed beneath the noses of Republicans, or the red-headed comedian, for that matter. While a few Republicans made some sly remarks about Obama's continuous use of a teleprompter (Herman Cain joked last week that he threw the teleprompter off his campaign bus to “get rid of some dead weight.”), Conan mocked the president outright. "I think he's doing just fine without his teleprompter," the comedian ad-libbed. Then he gestured to the audience and presented a clip he created that completely derided and ridiculed the president. But he made it funny, just like he always does. Just watch and see for yourself.

I am an avid Conan O'Brien fan, and have begun to watch episodes of his shows at every chance I get. One of the greatest and most uproarious things he does on his show is make fun of celebrities, politicians, and yes, inanimate objects. Although some viewers perceive his behavior to be a bit crude and eccentric, and maybe a bit deriding, he is in fact an ingenious man. While President Obama may not have "deserved" this ridiculing, it was funny all the same.

Article link
Video link

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